There are many reasons to finance agricultural technology

The main benefits at a glance

  • Preserve your liquidity

    Protect your liquidity reserves by avoiding cash payments. Being able to call upon a solid foundation of liquid assets, serving as a buffer for low-price phases or unforeseen events, has become more import than ever.

  • Protect your credit line with the main bank

    Keep your financing framework with your main bank free for investments in real estate and equipment. We only use the financed machine to secure our financing solutions.

  • Fixed, favourable conditions

    The instalments are fixed across the entire payment term. This gives you the necessary security for future planning.

  • Seasonal payment plans

    Choose to pay your instalments as your means permit. Select between linear monthly, quarterly or bi-annual instalments, or let us create your own personalised payment plan.

  • Instalment payment or usage fee

    In many cases, the goal is not to take full ownership of the machine. As well as traditional loan products, we can also offer you off-balance-sheet leasing concepts.

Fliegl Finance


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